Tuesday, 24 October 2023



Great leadership comes down to caring, empathy, and desire to serve beyond selfish needs. It’s a simple question. are our leaders driven by selfish motives or a selfless desire to serve something far greater than themselves (a people they are to lead)?

The term “selfless leader” describes a person who leads from a position with less emphasis on themselves. Inversely, the term “selfish leader” is a person who leads with more emphasis on themselves however it's hard to tell the difference today As we know, there are many philosophies and approaches to leadership and intense debates about which attributes describe the best leader.

Therefore, let’s compare the selfish leader to the selfless leader and let you decide which one is leading you.

 *The Selfish Leader:* 

1. Prioritize their needs first above the organization and others with more focus on personal advancement or gains. Carries an unbalanced concentration on pleasing the boss or board members who control their career destiny, causing bias and indecision.

2. Lack confidence in their team’s ability to do their job without justification. They refuse to release control, creating a dysfunctional, stagnant, and paranoid work environment, they won't move forward so won't appreciate or support it if anyone tries to do so.

3. Bias towards partnering or hiring their buddies vs. vetting out the best qualified. Less focused on the greater good and more on “what’s in it for me and mine.”

4. Take credit for ideas and work of others and seldom recognize the team members who deserve the glory. They boast about their progress and seek validation from others. Pursue climbing the corporate ladder at any cost.

5. Limit growth opportunities for their direct reports, fearing they might take over their position. They don’t focus on developing leaders and stay content maintaining status quo.

 *The selfless leader:* 

1. Prioritize the needs of others above their own with a vision of building a stronger organization for everyone. They focus on the team members.

2. Trust their team to do their job. Trust is a selfless act of releasing control to empower others to perform at their best, as well as to learn from their mistakes along the way.

3. Sacrifice for the greater good. A selfless leader will make a judgment call, risking personal gain, but they recognize it’s the right thing to do for the benefit of all. Integrity never waivers.

4. Humble themselves to give glory where it’s due. They realize they cannot do anything without a team and they publicly acknowledge it.

5. Focus on creating leaders vs. followers. They identify those who are eager to grow and help them develop the same leadership principles towards success. They constantly scan to find opportunities to promote others.

Which leader do you want to lead you or is leading you? Once you ask yourself that simple question, it becomes pretty clear which one is the clear winner. 

No leader is perfect. We are all flawed human beings. However, I believe we can always do better.

Now to the real subject matter, is Owan berived of leaders? my answer is no, we are only unfortunate to have the first example of leader blocking the leadership  pipe and not allowing the second example to flow through to reach the people.

Everything little thing they do is trumpeted on social media and rolled over platforms to attract praise from those they are using.

They juicy part of leadership and representation is kept for self and family (it's good to look out for ones interest but balance to the interest of those pushing your leadership truck)

The slavery mentality created and adopted by our people has made it impossible for them to know what is tbe entitlement of the people and what is given out from personal purse.

You elect a leader to lead you, he is doing so while heaping wealth for himself he soround himself with paid and hired praise singers.

You are made to believe that building a school in your community is something that is worthy of praise or the provision borehole, health centres and all that you elected them to do, so you organize a praise  occasion to lunch or unveil the project that you ordinarily deserve and more.

We help in creating this selfish leaders as they throw us a penny so they can only use or backs to cross the next ditch they created out of negligence. 

This so called leaders and representatives are giving nothing compared to our designate  resource and allocations  at their disposal to serve us.

They are only interested in how giving you a penny will make billions for them or present them as the better one.

Owan needs leaders who are true not people who enjoy shouting at the Chambers just to impress on social media we know of representatives who's voice are not heard but representation felt.

We need as a matter of urgency rise beyond today's petty politics of mirror representation and face the real job of serving the people who sent us to manage their opportunities.

To be continued